Ackley - Geneva - Wellsburg - Steamboat Rock
"The Cougar Nation"
Ackley - Students who live in Ackley attend Ackley EL K-5, Wellsburg MS 6-8, and AGWSR HS 9-12.
Ackley is a progressive picturesque town of over 1800 people located in North Central Iowa. Ackley has the perfect combination of both small town values, and progressive ideals. Here you will find many of the conveniences claimed by larger cities, while still maintaining the charm of small town atmosphere. Excellent schools, medical facilities, low taxes, affordable housing, extremely low crime rates, and a diverse retail district, all are just some of the advantages of living here!

Geneva - Students who live in Ackley attend Ackley EL K-5, Wellsburg MS 6-8, and AGWSR HS 9-12.
On the northern most edge of the AGWSR district Geneva is a small rural community. Twice a year the population grows exponentially as the famous Geneva Market hosts 100s of vendors and 1000s of shoppers. In the summer the Geneva ball diamond is constantly humming with boys and girls little league games. Throughout the year Geneva offers a quiet and friendly small town atmosphere.

Wellsburg - Students who live in Wellsburg attend Wellsburg EL K-2, Ackley EL 3-5, Wellsburg MS 6-8, and AGWSR HS 9-12.
For a small community, Wellsburg has a lot to offer. A swimming pool, excellent education system, youth athletics, and parks for our kids to enjoy all located in a safe friendly community. Golfers enjoy our challenging 9 hole course at Meadowbrook. Our new library also offers a full range of services, and our Memorial Building is the perfect place for family gatherings. We also have plenty of room for expansion with lots available in the WM Riekena Addition.

Steamboat Rock - Students who live in Steamboat Rock attend Wellsburg EL K-2, Ackley EK 3-5, Wellsburg MS 6-8, and AGWSR HS 9-12.
Steamboat Rock lives up to the descriptor that has been with it for years . . . "The Valley of Friendliness." Located on the banks of the Iowa River Steamboat Rock offers its residents a quiet, safe place to live or raise a family. With its proximity to the Iowa River Greenbelt, there are plenty of outdoor activities including camping, fishing, hiking, biking, or tubing down the Iowa River.
Each September (Labor Day weekend) Steamboat celebrates it rich heritage with its annual community celebration, Rainsbarger Daze. Named after the Rainsbarger family and their colorful history, the celebration includes a cemetery theater bi-annually, omelet breakfast, a 5K run, fireworks, and several other activities.