The AGWSR School Library Program
Current Library Announcements:
We just had a record breaking Book Fair - Thank You!!
*The Iowa AEA Digital Resources can be found here:
At School: @OneClick/Class Link
At Home: AEA Digital Resources
(Free access for all AGWSR students/Staff/Parents/Guardians
Contact bjanssen@agwsr.org if you need information)
Building/Grade Level Library Programs:
Choose your Grade Level Library:
About Our Library Program

Media Specialist
Mrs. Beth Janssen
B.S. ISU - K/8 Education
M.A. UNI - K/12 Library Science
Media Associates
Mrs. Megan Brekunitch (AAC/HS)
Mrs. Jayna Hofer (WAC/MS)
The AGWSR Library program strives to
bring timely, reliable and easy to use information
to our staff, students, and community members of the AGWSR District.
We support our District Mission and
we believe nobody can ever be too informed!
Find us on Facebook: AGWSR School Library
Need Information?
Main Office Location
918 * 4th Avenue * Ackley, Iowa * 50601
AGWSR School Library - Media Specialist