The seniors are doing a Raffle for
Smoked Brisket from Full Throttle Smoking in Geneva and a Hy-Vee gift card (3 winners)
Gift cards Las Flores and Belle Ami Spa
(1 winner)
JBL noise canceling earbuds (1 winner)
🤩 - tickets are 5/$20 or $5 each
Drawing will be Dec 15. You do not need to be present to win.
All proceeds support the 2024 After Prom!

Join the HS Band and Choir tonight as they celebrate the Holidays with their Winter Concert. They will be sharing some of the classic songs of the season. The concert starts at 7pm. We hope to see you there.

Finley cashed in paw points to take a picture with her friends!

Connor cashed in paw points to take a picture with his friends!

Brooklyn cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Steen.

Max cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Price.

Breken cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Urban.

Addisyn cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Hames.

Kyle Oelmann cashed in paw points for a fun fine dining day with his friends and Mrs Draheim!

Congratulations to Kaden Abbas on getting his 100th win today!

Cougars vs Cancer night will be Friday, Jan 26
Shirt orders are due Dec 18!

Tonight is the Ackley Attendance Center K-5 Winter Concert. It starts at 6:30pm. Students should be here by 6:15pm. Concert will be livestreamed on the AGWSR Cougar Youtube page. We hope to see you there.

Makayla cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Ava, our high school helper.

Finley and Myles cashed in paw points to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Abbas.

It's all about the attendance data!

Isabella cashed in Paw Points to take a picture with her friends!

The mystery reader for Mrs. Meyer's class got us thinking about Christmas with the story he shared.

Two great performances by the AGWSR dance team at state!

Common Attendance Terms

Mia cashed in Paw Points for take a picture with her friends!